Sunday, April 5, 2015

Tarot 4th April--Inseeya

1. Aries: New opportunities for you to bequeath wealth and luxuries. Expect a promotion if you are working at a multinational. Expect the best in this new month financially. Emotionally there could be rejections, disappointments and deception. But remember, it’s a phase and it will end soon.
Lucky Colour: Healing Green
2. Taurus: Balance is the keyword for this month. This phase is going to be a pretty busy one, says the tarot. To make love happen, strike a balance between work and love life. If already in a relationship, it needs healing. Reflect on the mistakes .Try to improvise with an awareness.
Lucky Colour: Brown.
3. Gemini: There will be a major choice in your path. It will be a tough decision to make. Do not overwhelm yourself esp at work. Professionally you are doing excellent, but take time out for yourself. In love, the male counterpart is going to take a step forward. This effort will go a long way and will restore your love.
Lucky Colour: Peach.
4>Cancer: A month of restriction and a rather lazy period.You are a conqueror and nothing can take control of you. Keep yourself in balance. Moneywise it’s an excellent period. If you have wished for something, the genie is here and your wish will be fulfilled. A new venture is going to begin too. Go with the flow and it’s going to be a success.
Lucky Colour: Rust orange.
5. Leo: Tarot indicates a reality check. You might need to take one option immediately esp in love. You will feel the happiness zing in you and will be ever so contented. But at times, insecurities crop up. This is just a feeling understand it. You are actually loved and cherished. Health is of prime concern.Dont stop your regime.
Lucky Color: White.
6. Virgo: right time to renovate your home .the tarot indicates completion of a project.A long standing project is going to achieve completion. The last month difficulties seemed to have settled.Become a traveller of the unknown and to move with life wherever it leads:to become a wanderer.
Lucky Color:Purple
7.Libra:April will be a crazy and hectic period.It starts with a shattering truth whose revelation might shatter your dream castle.This could make you emotionally weak too.After a downfall,life can only get better and so it does.You will feel fuller and happier as opportunities and wealth keep you busy.Trust the Universe and let time heal all wounds.
Lucky Color: Green.
8.Scorpio: Future arises out of your misery ,not out of your celebration. A really celebrating person has no time to feel misery. When out of celebration the future arises , it goes on becoming more richer .A moment comes when the moment is so total, so whole ,that time completely disappears. New projects ,assignments and other responsibilities would be entrusted to you.
Lucky Color: yellow.
9.Saggitarius: Use your knowledge to earn money, but follow rules.Who supports you when you cannot support yourself? You may be grappling with this question. The Hermit tells us that darkness will end and dawn will break once more. The breaking dawn can solve a pressing problem. You would need your space and time in a relationship.
Lucky Color: Silver
10.Capricorn: A new vision about work and relationship affirms your courage and determination to change things for the better.You are ripe and ready to make new beginnings and let go old patterns. You could get some gifts from your parents. Old loans could be paid off.
 Lucky Color: Apple green
11.Aquarius: Expect crisis and a low and down phase. The darkest period before dawn. Illusions about personal and professional matters disappear and you face some truths. Mood swings will be at its helm and expect unnecessary arguments.
Lucky Color: Green.
12.Pisces :You are ready to accept the challenge of the unknown and are going to take a quantum leap .You have the passion of life. Expect a busy social life .Good health and energy facilitate sporty pasttimes. Your work is going to take you abroad. Travelling is on the cards.

Lucky Color: Silky yellow.

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