Thursday, August 30, 2012

Zodiac Luck For the Month Of September

Aries: Finally the six of swords in your tarot says you’re on a great roll of luck! You will be able to wheel and deal with others now, just as smoothly as a race car driver can weave through heavy traffic on a highway. Since there is very little that can hold you back right, feel free to push ahead. If you are craving more adventure, you’ll find plenty of opportunity by joining up with other risk takers. Have a lot of gratitude in your heart and this will bring in more good luck.
Lucky Number;1,3
Lucky Color:Orange

Thought Of the Week:This Planet is abundantly plentiful. Our good always comes to us by the right of consciousness.

Taurus:You won’t have to look far if you’re needing some help at work, because one of your friends is in a great position to do you a favour. If you can’t find one that has the talent you’re seeking, at least they will refer you to someone trustworthy. This week you may be surprised by how closely you are connected to the solution of  your problem. Keep a lot of confidence and hard work flowing.If you want a new outcome ,try a new approach. In relationship,the tarot indicates a great challenge.
Thought of the Month:Don’t lack will power.Remember You ARe the BEST.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fengshui luck With Mirrors

Mirror Mirror On the Wall, Make Thy LUCKIEST OF them ALL!!!! If a Fengshui is done and mirrors are not used then there is something Missing.
Where do you think the origins of mirrors come from? Of course from us looking into our reflection in the water! Pure, deep, and calm water always serves as a reflection of all that is projected into it. In feng shui, that is the reason why a mirror brings the energy of water.

Mirrors are also used to expand a space and attract  positive feng shui energy in.

Mirrors have been called the aspirin of Fengshui; with proper placement, they can bring in more positive energy and also bring a sense of refreshment and calm. 

Generally, there are three categories of mirrors Fensghui:
1.A Normal Mirror defined by shape (oval, round, square) and frame materials (wood, metal, etc.) For example, a round mirror in a gold leaf frame is a  abundance cure that will work well in the Southeast feng shui area of a home.This will attract wealth.

2.Convex mirrors have protective qualities, serving as a watchful eye.Mostly used outside a house or workplace, as a protective feng shui element of your home design. A negative Eye Repeller.In short it will keep away any negative energy from  entering  the home.
The Bagua Mirror is a special type of feng shui mirror and a powerful feng shui cure that should never be used inside a home.

Where and which areas to place a mirror:
·         East Wall:Health and Family
·         Southeast Wall:Wealth and Abundance.
·         Northern wall: Career Enhancement and Choosing a secure Path in Life.

Mirrors can bring in luck and at the same time if not placed well will bring in ill luck.Feng shui areas to avoid placing a mirror are:
·         South (Fame & Reputation)
·         on the wall facing the main door
·         In the Master Bedroom, or facing the bed.
·         In the Kitchn facing the Gas stove. In fact NO Reflective Item must be kept in the Kitchen.
Mirrors are also used to enhance something or Double something.
Placing a mirror in the Reception Area will increase the Flow of Clients.
Placing a mirror Just in Front of your Wealth drawer of cupboard will increase the Flow of wealth.
Placing a mirror in Your Dining Room reflecting the Table will increase the Food.
So keeping the right mirrors in the Right Corner is going to give you a lot of Abundance.Happy Abundance.
Inseeya K
Fengshui Analyst /Tarot Analyst.