Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tarot predictions for 2013 By INSEEYA

Aries:Affectionate,charming and witty  Arians will always be Numero Uno of  the Zodiac as also a party.Highly dynamic they enjoy being first.2013 is going to be a stupendous year with a tremendously tight schedule.Have a measured approach and stay balanced.The Seven of Earth in your Tarot suggests a period of the fruits of your labour to grow and the harvest is imminent. Patience is needed as you pause to plan your next step.You may feel you have far to go, but don’t forget how far you have already come. Review and acknowledge your progress from a broader perspective.There are chances of you getting anxiety pangs which could affect your health.Dont waste your life worrying about what has gone.Trust life.If you trust,only then can you drop your knowledge ,and something immense will open up.And then This year will no longer be Ordinary,it will be abundant.Take the period of no activity as a period to recharge your batteries.Love Tarot suggests that you will dedicate yourself to your relationship.Be patient.Keep working at it, taking small steps to improve the relationship. Gift Your Arian the funkiest Car in the City.
Love Signs: Leo, Saggitarius,and Aries.
Colors:Copper brown
Yin Yang:Yang
Ruling Planet:Mars
Lucky Color:Reddish Brown
Lucky Number:9
Lucy Gemstone:Ruby
Best Month as per the Tarot:July,August ,September,
Winter months be more careful.

2. Taurus:Ruled by the Planet of Love ie Venus,Taureans are very practical, reliable and magnetic.Taureans are sensual and faithful.A bull makes a friend forever.
The Page of Water in your Love Tarot says a new person or an emotion rousing situation enters your life.It could be the start of a friendship or Romance,or the renewal of one from your past.Your intuitions and psychic abilities will increase tremendously in 2013.Your Artistic endeavours will keep you connected to your job.At work standup for yourself rather than letting others dominate the field.Dont leave yourself on a lower pedestal. Strengthen your self esteem.The Page of Water can also signify a keen intuition or natural artistic ability that can be developed to a high level.
2013 will bring in the final completion of a long sought after goal which brings in its wake great happiness and fulfillment.You will realize that theres room for more and that its more valuable to you.Finally your energy levels and zest mae you undertake what you truly love to do.Family tensions will be healed.Relatives will approach you for help and guidance .
Gift your Taurean lavish gifts like classic sunglasses,danglers or gold chains.
Love signs: Taurian,Scorpio, Pisces.
Yin Yang:Yin
Ruling Planet:Venus
Lucky Color:Sea Green
Lucky Number:7
Lucy Gemstone:Aquamarine
Best Month as per the Tarot:January,July,August
July there will be a major change in yourself.

3.Gemini:Put Fun and a torrent of wind together and u have a gorgeous Gemini.The greatest Aphrodisiac for them is a partner with a flashy wit,quick mind and lots of romantic sweet nothings.
Ruled by the Planet Mercury,the planet of speed and communication  in 2013,you will have an eclectic view of life.The King of Earth in your Tarot predicts a very successful time ahead.Your current projects will go well.You may be promoted or offered a higher salary. Your talents and skills will bring rewards for you and others. Gift your  Geminian Sweetheart a flirty  perfume or a cd of romantic love songs .Accept the opportunities offered to you and have the confidence that you will Succeed.Your incredible ability of communication is going to attract the good fortunes in your life.You will be able to win over the hearts and minds of many people due to your talent.Developing your higher mind,controlling and directing your thought processes is important.The Whole of 2013 focus on what you are doing and don’t let your mind become the master.Learn to balance thought with emotion and you will be the winner.
Love Signs:Leo,Aries,Gemini.
Yin Yang:Yang
Ruling Planet:Mercury
Lucky Color: Yellow
Lucky Number:5
Lucy Gemstone:Emerald
Best Month as per the Tarot:February,May ,June,
 4.Cancer:The most emotional of the Zodiac sign ,the cancerians quickly retreat when feeling emotionally vulnerable. Cancerian makes an excellent partner, trustworthy,loyal. The sentimental Crab loves to be pampered and looked after.The Tarot Angels bring you this card because you are entering a new and exciting phase of your life.The Chariot in your Tarot says you have successfully balanced a recently challenging situation.Your ability to see both sides,take action and make decisions has garnered you approval,respect and gratitude.So baks in the joy of what you have achieved in 2013.Its important that you have belief in yourself and know that the benevolent Universe wants you to succeed. Now is the time for faith and commitment to your dreams! Take any steps to move forward with confidence.The Love Tarot talks about a very innocent,playful relationship that’s about to begin in 2013.The romantic imagination is intriguing and has a lot of Compassion. Zen has defined compassion as ‘Love plus Meditation’.When your love is not just a desire ,when your love is not asking for something in return but is only ready to give.That is compassion. Compassion is the highest order.
Love Signs:Cancer,Scorpio, Pisces.
Yin Yang:Yin
Ruling Planet:Moon
Lucky Color:Cream
Lucky Number:2
Lucy Gemstone:Moonstone
Best Month as per the Tarot:February,March,September.

5Leo:Lovers of royalty and luxury ,show them they are truly royal. Leos are extroverts and have a great zest for life.They indeed love pampering and making a fuss over themselves. Gift a Leo a tiara or a bold cocktail ring, and see them lick their whiskers in delight.
The Ten Of Earth predicts Abundance and financial security in the year 2013.You have established a lasting foundation of success in business.With this Success comes the feeling of freedom. Material comforts, satisfaction in your accomplishment and the capacity to enjoy yourself are now yours. Still its important to enjoy the little things in life. This is the way of Zen, not to say things have come to their completion.The cycle continues:whatever has been absorbing your time and energy is now coming to an end.In completing it,you will be clearing the space for something new to begin.Use this interval to celebrate both-the end of the old and the coming of the new. Health would need major caring too. A health regime has to be started in this year. Or its going to be years of unnecessary health realted issues.Take care of your home issues. They need attention too.
Love sign:Aries,Scorpio ,Cancer
Yin Yang:Yang
Ruling Planet:Sun
Lucky Color:Golden Yellow
Lucky Number:1
Lucy Gemstone:Yellow Sapphire
Best Month as per the Tarot:March,August,October.
Virgo:Accurate ,analytical and discriminative A Virgo mind can spot flaws at a hundred paces.Ruled by Mercury,The speedy little planet that keeps Virgo on the go.It also belongs to element Earth,which endows people of the sign with practical ability.The Four of water in the Tarot for 2013 says it’s a time for re-evaluation of the situation.Otherwise you may miss out on an amazing opportunity.Fortunately In this New Year positive forces are working to assist you.Dont feel distracted or emotionally trapped.Its possible that by focusing on what you don’t have,you are taking for granted the good thing that you do have.
The Last quarter of 2013,would see you a bit discontented,bored or in a dull mood.Try to overcome this by remembering that you are holding on to something. Not necessary wealth but something as simple as sharing  your time with your loved ones.The moment you start clinging to things,you have missed the target-you have missed.Because things are not the target,you,your innermost being ,is the target. Not a beautiful house,but a beautiful you.not wealthy but a rich aura around You.Create the Rich Aura around you.
Love sign: Scorpio,Capricorn and with a Virgo they are a mirror image of each other.
Yin Yang:Yin
Ruling Planet:Mercury
Lucky Color:Hazel green
Lucky Number:4
Lucy Gemstone:Amethyst
Best Month as per the Tarot:Oct,November,December.
Libra:An air sign, the Libran gets its classy beauty andpolished style from the Planet Venus.The Libran ladies are so chic and the men are so suave.Even if dressed simply they stillmanage to exude a polished style.In life,they strive for balance and harmony.2013 is a significant situation that requires your fullest attention.While time is of the essence,Its important to avoid making rash decisions.Enthusiasm will be at the helm.But its adviced to be wise and cautious.
There will be quite a few adventures throughout this year which will take you on a high and low journey.Be  atrue Libran, totally fearless,bold and courageous.
This year will see you surrounded by friends since you are amazingly charming ,amiable and above all a good listener.You will crave for a soulmate this year.You will meet some one ideal enough but unfortunately he /she will take time in making up their minds. Probably shifting to a new home or buying an additional property is there on The Tarot.
Zen meditation is very much important throughout 2013.Remember that you are carrying a masterpiece hidden within you,but you are not letting this be seen.Just move aside,and reveal the Masterpiece says Zen.The Universe never gives birth to anything less than a Masterpiece.Drop the idea of still becoming perfect, because you already are.Realise it and Mediattaion is going to bring out the best in you.
Love sign:Leo,Aquarius and with a Pisces its going to be a fairytale romance.
Yin Yang:Yang
Ruling Planet:Venus
Lucky Color:Rose pink
Lucky Number:5
Lucy Gemstone:Garnet
Best Month as per the Tarot:April ,May,October.
Scorpio:The Celestial Scorpion gives its sign the stealth and steely determination of The Scorpion.This is the sign of power,quiet and self control.Astrologically Scorpio is associated with extremes; subtle and sometimes deadly too.
2013 workwise is going to bring in tremendous opportunities. Focus and you are going to get what you want. This year there will be heightened emotions. In fact, you will be sometimes overwhelmingly turbulent and sometimes passionately smouldering. Your Magnetic,mysterious and mesmeric charm will be at its Helm in 2013.As you Know a Scorpion is not short of admirers and it has the reputation of being the sexiest sign in the zodiac.This year you are bound to fall in love.This will be an absolute commited,devoted and faithful for life.
You will be very savvy with money.You know how to earn it and 2013 will bring you more happier projects .Healthwise:thankfully you have a strong constitution since you detest being ill.The Scorpions believe in mind over matter,that is if the mind stays healthy you remain absolutely fit and fine. A few tension release exercises would do good  and work wonders .Be careful in the Summer mid months. Health could fluctuate then.
Love signs:Scorpio,Cancer, Pisces.
Yin Yang:Yin
Ruling Planet:Pluto
Lucky Color:Reddish Brown
Lucky Number:9
Lucy Gemstone:Opal.
Best Month as per the Tarot:August,November.
March be more careful.
Saggitarius:Also Known as the Archer.Represented by the symbol of an Arrow.They have a huge appetite for life, a desire to travel and explore the World.No wonder they are also known as the travelers of the Zodiac.
2013 will see You over the top. Absolutely friendly, very cheerful and enthusiastic.
A period of great activity ,conquest and power.A lot of action and quick decisions have to be made. Saggitarians have a reputation of being scrupulously fair.The Career life is going to be absolutely smooth and lots of travel and visits to far off places is goig to keep you busy.This year you are bound to be tremendously lucky.  Love life would be pretty calm and smooth. Two conflicting sides would be throughout the 2013. Sometimes you would need your own space-time with your books, or with Music.At times you would be in a complete partying mood-Noisy and Loud and a flirting mood.Like all fire signs,U enjoy your share of flattery .
There could be the birth of a little one in the family.
This year you arebound to put on more weight as per the Tarot. So Taking this as an indication, please get on to a regular Health Regime.Saggitarians are designed to run,gallop and roam.Staying active will keep you healthy and in shape.
Love Signs:Saggitarian,Aries,Leo.
Yin Yang:Yang
Ruling Planet:Jupiter
Lucky Color:Light purple
Lucky Number:1
Lucy Gemstone:Amethyst
Best Month as per the Tarot: January, December.
Capricorn:Capricorn is the sign of Ambition.Always industrious,always on the go- reaching,striving,working .2013 will make you turn your ideas into reality.The Tarot also says that this year will make you work within limitations and to make the best out of difficult situations.The Star card in your Tarot promises and brings good fortune.If you are unhappy n your job or profession ,anticipate a turn for the better.New opportunities will come across.Your dream job literally lands in your lap.Channel all your energy and enthusiasm into your Dream Project.Its going to take off very well and become a roaring success.
Capricorns don’t make friends easily.You tend to put work before fun .In love,a true love will lead to marriage. This year signifies lots of love and romance.
A passionate romance could also be possible.Loyalty,ardour and devotion are strong factors of this realtion,but jealousy should be a major setback.
In short,this year tells you To Follow your dreams. Don’t let anyone else tell you how you should live your life.
Love signs:Taurus, Capricorn and the most entrancing Pisces..
Yin Yang:Yin
Ruling Planet:Saturn
Lucky Color:Reddish Brown
Lucky Number:17
Lucy Gemstone:Garnet
Best Month as per the Tarot:July,August,November.
Aquarius:Aquarius being an Air sign and curious. will always be more alert,open,friendly.In fact the Aquarians are also known as the Visionaries of the Zodiac.2013  will be able to see everything clearly and feel confident about the positions you take. The problem is others do not share your point of view and also think they are right! It is important not to forget there are no truths that aren’t unbiased truths. Let the others talk without automatically taking the opposite position, avoid unnecessary difficulties.
Since many Water Bearers also have their hands full, their social calendars chock-a-block, they tend to be detached, absent-minded and unmindful of their partner’s needs. And, when confronted, they may simply refuse to cooperate. Tarot suggests that you don’t squander your chances of finding your true love.The Tarot suggests a period of undesiveness. A period of confusions.It is the time to identify your true identity .A time for introspection.
Money matters are connected to idealism and fantasy.You may have lots of brainstorms and come up with all sorts of money making schemes,but most of these wont materialize.Perhaps you are not being realistic about these business ideas.Fear could be the main reason.
Love signs:Leo,Libra,and Intriguing with a Saggitarian.
Yin Yang:Yang
Ruling Planet:Uranus
Lucky Color: Electric Blue
Lucky Number:12
Lucy Gemstone: Aquamarine.
Best Month as per the Tarot:October, November,December.
Pisces:Pisces is represented by the2 fish entwined by a large cord in the night sky.Pisceans is a selfless emotion person, a miracle that completes, creates a whole, and requires entire submission of the self. Love is more about giving than receiving for them, and is also a lot about creativity, philosophy and spirituality. But, like their mutable quality and thanks to their ruler Neptune, the Fish may exhibit a tendency to move – from one to another – usually in search of ‘real’ love, of spirituality of greater depth.
As far as destiny is concerned Pisces look forward to period from  March – Mid July and again in November.Other half of 2013 you will have to work hard and focussed..
Career matters are concern for Pisces, and of prime focus and most of the times your energy and stamina will go in to improve upon your career prospects. Due to excessive burden of work will make you totally exhausted, so keep some energy for yourself and do not put whole of force on to your work.
There is something tantalising alluring about people born under Pisces.2013 you are going to be led more with your emotions .You will be deeply wanting a love affair that will sweep you off your feet. A soul mate you will search for.It is very much possible for you to meet your Soul mate.The big challenge of love in 2013 will be to maintain that impetus once the first flush of high romance has faded.
Love Signs:Cancer,Scorpio,And the most tantalizing with a Leo.
Yin Yang:Yin
Ruling Planet:Neptune
Lucky Color: Phiroza Blue
Lucky Number:4
Lucy Gemstone: Phiroza
Best Month as per the Tarot:March,april, july.

Reiki-The Universal Energy

Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal energy.
The Physical Body is composed of the 2 parts:The Visible Physical Body and the Invisible energy body called the bioplasmic body.
The Ki or the Prana is the life energy which keeps the body alive and healthy.There are Three major sources of Prana:Solar Prana,Air Prana,And  Prana from the Earth.
The Body absorbs all these energies.All these energies are needed by the body for the proper functioning of the Physical body and the Bioplasmic energy.
Reiki says 80% of our ailments come from a weak Mind.
To make the mind strong ,Reiki has given us 5 important principles.
Chanting these principles it keeps us away from the Clutters of daily life.
It makes us more positive and more looking towards Towards.
Being in the present moment.
It is very essential for all to learn the Natural way of HEaling through Reiki.Since it is fast and effective in simple and severe ailments.It can help bring down temperature of a patient. It ca heal a depression minus Allopathic medicines which otherwise put a patient to a semi drowsy state.It can control diabetes, blood pressure since it stabilises the stress levels os a person.
Other lifestyle diseases like skin ailments,Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, asthma, cancer, chronic liver disease, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, stroke, depression and obesity etc can also have a miraculous cure.
There is nothing supernatural about Reiki. Its just increasing the rate of self recovery of the body by adhering to the Laws of Nature.