Saturday, June 22, 2019

Tarot 30th June 2019 -written for Sakshi

1.Aries-do you have anything that has not been given by existence to you? Remember you are have been in existence,you will be in existence.So a big thankyou to the existence. It represents a rich week. Strengthen yourself mentally and improve your self esteem. You should avoid easy-going attitudes, tone down the flashier side of your nature, and get back to old-fashioned hardwork.colors brown.
 2. Taurus—There is no reason for a laugh,a joy,for singing.Just to be is enough.Just be in this moment.This is going to put you in a different league all together.This is a good time for travelling, professional progress, and studies. In fact increase knowledge in the sectors in your life that need to be worked on. You might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and domestic front. Color:Sea green 
3. Gemini-You have touched a beautiful space,but because of the are stopped.This  weeks focus is on letting go.Past has to be renounced.Not shed tears.There could be love and romance soon. The Tarot also says of an ambitious venture that promises good success and returns.You have to be very courageous and would have to take instant decisions.Color: pink 
 4. Cancer- when you feel tired and exhausted,move withinward.Meditate.And you will have a surplus of energy.This week you shall reap the rewards of your hard work. You are going to meet  your soul mate too.The Goals are very much achievable now. Pay attention to minor details and use the skill and knowledge you’ve learned in your past. Color:Purple and violets .
5. Leo-Mind has an incurable disease : the name is duality.It does not matter what the mind is focused on,it immediately creates a division.The focus this week is on all the spheres of your life. Monetarily, dont indulge in anything speculative and save in the more traditional form. Domestic affairs would be calm and peaceful, but there could be minor misunderstandings from loved ones. Enrolling for some higher end courses is also possible. Health is also of priority this week. Color:Golden Yellow.
6. Virgo-Balance the yon and the yang in you to make yourself a whole. balance work and play so that your life becomes easy.You also need to keep peace with co-workers. Be more forgiving, kind and fair.An opportunity to change your workplace could come . energise your work place with white quartz crystals.Color: white
7. Libra-You tend to be practical regarding financial matters .Spend some time and effort to resolve it. Painful experiences early in life have have left u feeling vulnerable in a relationship.As a result , you give a lot  or refuse to speak to anyone. You need to clear clutter. This will remove negative energy.Your work will see excellent results.Luxurious things will make you happy.Enjoy shopping sprees but do keep it in limits. Colors:peaches 
8. Scorpio-Good business practices will be your best bet. Infact scorpios have remained pretty safe and know how to survive in extreme conditions. Favourable times for business related to property. You shall gain more fame and popularity if you in your family business . Health needs lots of care. Let go of addictions.  Social and domestic life would be cool and more affection would flow in.Colors:Orange red.
 9.Saggitarius:Breathing right is important.When in stress change your breathing pattern.Concentrate harder to achieve your dreams. Your gains will be substantial if you keep up the momentum. Take full advantage of opportunities, both big and small. Many of you would meet up old pals. This week is also favourable for entering into partnerships and planning new ventures. Color :brick red.
10- Capricorn:Hermit Card in the tarot tells you of quiet times. This week you be more busy planning and chalking out your life than partying .You would be more concerned with improving your studies and career would be more of a concern now. There would be more confidence and you would be capable of dealing with anything and anybody. Love life is going to give you a stiff competition. So hold on to your sweetheart or there are chances of him /her being taken away from you. Color:yellows.
 11-Aquarian- Your body is your temple to your soul.If you remember that you will exercise daily.This week begins with good health and good luck.You are going to smile your way through. Impress people on the professional scale. You would be very comfortable as far as money is based. You would tend to splurge and shop on expensive things. You have to energise your home and office with a  lot of green plants. This would help in attracting more good fortune.Color: blue

12.Pisces—Strength card of the Tarot tells you to overcome obstacles and fears with  your strength. Stop relying on others and start believing in yourself. Be strong , even though things seem difficult. Someone who cares for you will give you wonderful ideas. Give up old habits and start anew. Stay away from any addictions.Its going to give you more positivity to face life.
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Tarot for Yoga 23rd June 2019

Aries- The Emperor says that you might go ahead this week with a lot of authority and boldness. Tarot indicates a time of change and fast moving developments happening for you.Keep your priorities of health in mind.You might want to go forward and tie the knot in love, but you will need more dedication.Tarot says this proposal is worth saving and is best. At work,let go off worries and relax with the winning certainity.Yoga asanas you have to focus on  is the back.Bhujangasana and Setu bandha Sarvangasana.
Lucky color:brown

Taurus: Financial position will improve substantially if you get yourself a business partner. Perhaps a spouse luck could also benefit you. The card also suggest you shall receive financial backing for  a project or a venture.There is a good signal of a great fortune coming to you. In love, things are very positive and there could be wedding bells ringing for some.Yoga asana for anger and limbs like virasana and Uktasana alongwoth pranayama.
Lucky color:Lemon yellow 

Gemini:Legal problems will remain unresolved and would create a hindrance in your work. Use your knowledge to earn more money. Responsibilities are going to make you nervous. Getting a bit more spiritual is going to help you through this period tremendously.A help from a teacher or an elderly councellor is going to help you .In love ,your partner will share a common goal or be devoted to a higher goal in life. Yoga asanas of Uttanasana or the warrior poses to increase confidence.
Lucky color:orange 

Cancer:The Nine of Cups symbolizes abundance and good fortune. Also called the Wish Card,it brings in luck and fortunes. So breathe the positive vibes of this beautiful card and go through this week with a lot of happiness. In love , you can enjoy a rewarding love life. Your dreams are  going to come true.The key to filling your heart with a lot of love . do it with a feeling of joy.Trikonasana and adho mukha svanasana is going to be extremely beneficial for u.
Lucky color:blue.

Leo-Expenditures may go up slightly. Avoid gambling.Any fresh investments can wait. This week the tarot predicts a time of new experiences and potential for growth. A sweet heart may seek your ideas and need your help on creative ends. It’s a very love filled week too. Probably you could zip off to a wonderful holiday. Energise yourself with the color rose.A dhanurasana with planks is going to open the heart chakra and strengthen the torso.

Lucky color:Pink

Virgo-The amazing Tarot predicts a very busy week ahead .You shall be with ongoing projects and will discuss more work. Dont accept any fresh orders till you finish this.Financially you will be pretty stable. Keep your wits low and don’t poke fun at anybody.Love card represents the beginning of a passionate new romance. Healthwise start your gym or exercise routine. Ardha matsyendrasana is going to be beneficial for diabetes.
Lucky color: Yellow

Libra-You are planning seriously to have a shift of career. The Tarot gives you the green signal to move. You could also have a change of office premise. At home, try n bring in new furniture. There could be a chasm between you and the person you love. Quarrels may cause unhappiness. Try and energise your SW corner with a lot of fengshui love crystals so that nothing goes wrong.
Pransyama is what you must focus on at least twice a day.
Lucky color:violets 

Scorpio-The Tarot says you will have a wonderful opportunity to increase your business. Others would depend on your support. Be generous and help those who sincerely need it. Also an fat bank balance will keep you happy. Your sweetheart will get a bit more demanding. Be understanding and more loving. At parties you will be the center of attraction.Virabhadrasana.
Lucky color: Peach. 

Saggitarius-You want to go for a holiday to a far off place with your loved ones.The tarot tells you to make the most of it. The key to happiness is letting your heart do what it craves. Workwise all your commitments will be done and you are going to get appreciation from seniors. Stay away from any partnership commitments. Pearl you must wear this week.Learn to be in complete  happiness with savasana.
Lucky color:Silver

Capricorn- This week you will feel totally busy. Busy though it is important not to neglect your social life. Having done so you will be able to focus more on your goals and gaining your objective. Wednesday is going to prove very lucky. Greens and lemon yellow will improve health and also prosperous. Guard against backstabbing. Drive at a comfortable speed suggests the tarot.Back stretches like the cat and camel will be good.
Lucky color:Green

Aquarius- New ventures might not produce the desired results.Stay busy with ongoing projects only. Your loved ones need more care and attention. A weekend off is on the cards. Wear a lot of yellow to move towards your goals. Breathe a lot of positive early morning rays to fill yourself with the right power.You might buy a new vehicle this week. Be the namaste in gratitude.
Lucky color: pale gold.

Pisces--Queen of swords says that you need to enhance and increase your intellectual powers .Dont waste your energies analyzing the past.This will not allow you to arrive at the accurate conclusions. In love, a candle night dinner might change the love scene for the positive.
Some might get proposals worth considering.Try n avoid eating out. Setu bandha sarvangasana is going to solve your stomach n weight issues.
Lucky color:Orange saffron. 

My yogic journey

As I do my daily round of the suryanamaskar on the lush green grass in Leh, i somehow wonder would i have been so regular with my fitness if yoga wouldn't have happened to me.
Twenty six years back I started with my first class of yoga.That was when yoga was just a simple class and no prefix fancy names.Well I joined it also to lose weight.The surya namaskar came to me as a sequence of exercise that would make my body flexible.The whole routine of yoga,was a more boring routine than the regular aerobics classes.A gym freak,I missed the loud blaring music compared to the soft sound of breathing.
I would question myself as to why I took the stupid decision of joining yoga.I didn't see any weight loss and more so I would have to quiet my monkey mind which I was against.Ofcourse there were to many things running simultaneously in the head and why should I  silence it? I was taught to think was a sign of success.The mind was supposed to think and think and analyze even the dreams.Didnt I want to be a success too.But suddenly iam told to create silence.
My friends at the gym were having an excellent time with extraordinary scale readings.Here I was breathing slow and deep,breaking down the poisons in my mind.Not hearing the interesting gossips, acknowledging moments of destress and not sharing my thoughts and tales with my friends.Alas I was stuck.A 25 year engineer being made to do a set of slow exercises and connect the breathing to this.....hey bhagwan.Give me a break,this ain't me.Give me the trigonometry and see how I solve that in a jiffy.
But here iam a happy yogic,who has let go the algebra of life to adopt the yogic way of living.Why did I adopt yoga? Because it changed me holistically.It made me move away from the ratrace.It made me live and breathe my passion

This is how at that time I felt miserable from within
Fatigue had started building in me .Work satisfaction was elusive.The outer journey with all the desires looked bleak to attain.My routine of exercising alongwith prayers was not happening.Yoga made me aware of my routine.No matter what I would wake up early in the morning to see the sunrise.Even now it's just been occasionally that I have missed seeing the Sun rise.My food habits started changing.The yoga exercises of the bandha konasana,paschinottasana and the balasana tuck the stomach in such a way that you dont feel hungry.The food cravings reduce, your sweet tooth reduces and you become more aware of what goes in your system.The spine backbends like the dhanurasana,cat,cobra,camel make the spine more sturdy and strong.The posture of a yogic never stoops.After aligning your core between heaven and earth, the energy body is activated.Finding more room in your inner temple,Kundalini energy begins to dance, generating the fire in you.This fire in return activates the manipura chakra( confidence chakra).This chutzpah is all you need to be successful.
To take a successful journey,the foundation of the roots have to be strong.The roots need air,water and sunlight and earth.If the roots are strong the tree is going to give fruits.But if the tree focuses only  on fruits(desires), the cycle of life will be destroyed.
Now,in my fifties,I see what a blessing this journey has been,for it has forced me to discover a calmer healthier me.Not only do I practice yoga daily but i also conduct workshops in India and across the globe.interestingly,my first workshop was with The Country Club in Hyderabad way back in 2005.Then I did a TV show on Tarot live predictions with Etv urdu.Times of India happened when I had a fengshui talk at the premise in Hyderabad.That impressed  the editors then and that got me the weekly column of Mystic Solutions. Sakshi newspaper was indeed all thanks to a friend Kavita.It was her vision of writing Star birthday tarot on every Sunday.We started with Ram Charans birthday tarot and since then iam a regular tarot columnist with Sakshi
 This article is a humble tribute to yoga and do use it as a map for your yogic journey.Using this map, you can rise to heights or nestle in an asana,blaze forth in power or listen to the silent humm of your heart chakra.Once you understand yourself,you can understand,diagnose and address your imbalances by using techniques and postures that transform you- not instantaneously but systematically overtime.The only one thing needed is patience.And I assure you that the one thing that you will never ever regret in life is of you being a yogic.
Love and light
Tarot analyst